What started as a newspaper article turned in to a 10 + year journey and the “Momentum Rose” was born.
In 2010 we had zero apparel brands that focused on Windsor. Our Northern neighbours, Detroit had countless clothing companies that pushed and promoted civic pride. The Windsor Star published an article stating as such and created a little design content. Inspired, I took the opportunity to design the original WIND-SOR-ON-TAR-IO shirt that featured a stylized rose (known for many years as Rose City). My design was published and I actually won the contest! It received a bunch of publicity which turned into comments like “you need to make those”… and so I did.
Initially it was the original type design shirt, then had the idea to separate the rose and create not just a shirt but a whole apparel line. I had a store for a couple years then transitioned into creating specialty products every few years. We did a YQG-DTW shirt that came is a custom printed pizza box (that you could hang on your wall) we created toques, metal pins, dad hats and the line continues to grow. Over the years the rose has been tattooed (including on myself) used in large art pieces, for wedding invites, artwork and in custom flags. If you’re lucky you may find an old pin or sticker on the back window of a car. Now the Windsor region has multiple apparel brands but I’m happy to say this was the OG! Below are some pics of of the WNDSR brand over the years.
New products can be found exclusively at Bunch (1018 Drouillard Rd) in Ford City